The story begin during my Annual campaign, every year me and six other of my friend set up a campaign. There is ten of us since my friend brought another of his friend.
We all sit in front of a fire, burning a marshmallow on a stick. Campaign was not complete without a horror story. So he began.
"have you guys heard the story about the bait before?"
"No." said most of us
"You have hear about the London bridge right, the stories about a children sacrifice to made the concrete sturdy and...
The story begin during my Annual campaign, every year me and six other of my friend set up a campaign. There is ten of us since my friend brought another of his friend.
We all sit in front of a fire, burning a marshmallow on a stick. Campaign was not complete without a horror story. So he began.
"have you guys heard the story about the bait before?"
"No." said most of us
"You have hear about the London bridge right, the stories about a children sacrifice to made the concrete sturdy and...