

The story of chess
One of the earliest chess began in 7th century in India when the youngest prince of Chandra Gupta morya died in a battle his brother used a way to represent a way of how he died the chess was called as चतुरंग a name which means four divisions after the game went to Persia the name chess comes from shah (king) and checkmate from shahmat (king is helpless) after the 7th century the Islamic conquest the Persia the game was introduced to Arab world after that the game was introduced to the south east asia but in Europe the chess began to take modern form in 1000 AD the chess was a formal education the chess was ban in France yet the game prolifited and the fifteen century saw it coming into the form we know today and in 19th century the computer came deep blue who won against Gary kasporov was the first time a machine have defeated a champion


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