

The Cabin Of Shalmeck
All alone up in a forest stood a small cabin. The sound of hatred and remorse range through the halls of that small cottage of Felmesh. Blood stained the the white walls red and the roof unsteady. No life to see, and no light to shine through its borded windows. This cabin was part of horror stories and rumors. No human finger has touched the handles of the doors in over one hundred long, dark years. Until one fearless man dared to enter the doors of Shalmeck Cabin. The floors creaked with each hesitant step. A rat scurries across his foot and out the dark maple door he had just entered. “Hello?” he said. Which echoed back into the ears of young Jacob Jones. An inspired writer looking for and escape from a blocked inspiration. The cabin he entered has stories to tell and secrets to be told. Torcher, death or maybe suicide no one knows. It's been an unsolved mystery. He continues to wonder through the long hallway, where pictures once hung and feet once have roamed. He enters a quaint living room with tall ceilings and rough wooden floors. A door on each wall which brings curiosity to Jacob as he wonders which to enter. He walks up to the door on the left wall. A galley kitchen full of cabinets without doors a tiled floor with cracks. A huge blood stain stood in the middle. Jacob grabs his camera and snaps a few detailed pictures. The next door on the right wall leads to a dining room with a large round table covered with dust and left over dishes. A sparkle at the end of the old table caught his eye. There on the table was a ring with a gorgeous purple diamond and engravings in the silver. “Be my wife forever or thee shall die.” Read Jacob with shocked eyes and mouth ajar. He writes what he read in a red leather book with black swirls and Chinese letters. Why would such a beautiful ring tell such a mysterious tale? With each room a story is told. The third door lead to another hallway with a door on the left and stairs leading to somewhere new. The door revealed a bathroom with a pink walls and a smashed sink crusted with blood. “What a death that must have been!” he stuttered while shakily taking pictures with his camera. Then up the narrow stairway he climbed. Its seemed to never end, go on for eternity. A door stood before him, leading to another chapter of the unknown story of Shalmeck Cabin. He slowly swung the door open it creaking as it swung. The door revealed a small bedroom with only a bed in the center. No windows or vents, no way to escape. Rope still hung from the beds rusty headboard revealing a struggle. Under the bed was an old wooden chest with a gold design. He got down on his knees to pull the chest out which showed to be heavy. With shaking fingers he undid the latch and swung the lid open. A dress, white and gold with flurries and twirls. A dress you could only imagine in a fairytale. He took and laid the dress on the bed as dust flew in the air. “Beautiful!” he exclaimed as he saw the dress in its entirety. Back to the chest with still more to see. A fine black suit, with a red rose threaded into the pocket. He placed the suit by the dress. “What went so wrong?” Jacob said aloud with wonder and confusion in his eyes. What else will he find?