

Can Memories be given a new life?

Maybe this is the most complex question that stands without any answer.
Can memories bring the exact joys we captured with our loved ones?
Still I also stands outside the circle of not sharing an answer to it. But I want to share some thoughts that I feel.
What are memories?
Memories are those drops of rain that fills our eyes either with joy or sorrow. I usually notice the said statement in some aspects. In case of a person lying in the street shivering with cold whose eyes filled with tears for not getting their food or maybe reminiscing how he spent his early life which is almost a paradox to his contemporary condition or sometimes the tears seen in a widow who lost her beloved at an young age or sometimes the flashbacks of a heartbreak haunting very intolerably in a teenager.
Somebody wants to live with the memory till his last breath and someone tries to erase his past memories or let it to fade.
Can anyone survive with a memory?
Yes when standing in his/her position it will be totally out of logical thinking to search for the answer.
Can the memories bring his/her loved ones back to the original state satisfying all the needs and demands of his beloved?
It is wholly a psychological journey of his/her meeting with their backbone where they once rely upon.
Someday it adorns with gloom or sometimes with glitter.
He become unaware of whether he is making progress or whether losing his temperament.
It is a journey where the past and future collide,where the barrier between past and future gets blurred.
But it is he who feels the actual contentment in his bosom by escaping from the crowded streets to the heavenly road,where the precious moments are savoured and admired from his soul.