

Undeletable mistakes are lesson for life
Write a short story about how much easier it is to fix mistakes on a word processor or computer than it is in real life.

Everyone do mistakes as there is a saying that " No one is perfect in life". But if we do some mistakes, we should have dareness to admit and apologize for it. Not everyone has that dare to do so.When people do something out of negligence or with knowledge, it becomes very late to rectify it before they could realise it as a mistake. As the proverb says," Better late than never" .We should be able to admit it before it's too late to prevent it. In life, we do certain things with or without interest which turns out to be a nightmare only when it affects you or others. But it becomes too late to rectify or change when we get to know about it. For example,Students who write wrong answers in exam because of ignorance or confusion regret later for not reading it well which cannot be rectified later like computers as the exams are over then the answers are checked. Likewise people don't get an option to cut or delete everything they did as mistake similar to computers as we are ought to learn only from our mistakes where the computer don't make mistakes unless we give the wrong data to process it . Computers or word processors have an option to erase and delete the mistakes did where people don't get an opportunity to delete everything and start afresh. It's possible to start afresh unless we try to forget and come up with a motive to rectify,forget and move on.

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