

The 6th Season of the Sailor Moon SagaChapter 2 "Return Upon a Starry Night" PT2/2
Michelle turns to Robin. "Yours is this way," she gestures down the hall.

"Follow me." Robin obediently does so, not noticing Alex's warning glances directed at Michelle who just smiles sweetly back. Never before have I ever imagined a smile so perfect, a face so beautiful, eyes so entrancing, he thinks to himself, blindly following her down the hall.

The whole world could collapse right now, and I wouldn't even notice. What's wrong with me? Wake up, Robin! She's just a human—nothing more. I can't trust humans — not a single one — that's my policy — isn't it? But I've trusted Sailor Moon before, she's the whole reason we're here.

Or is she? He remembers the girl from his dreams.

It's you, isn't it? He looks at the aqua curls bouncing jauntily in front of him. I'm so confused! Are you the reason I'm here? She stops in front of a door and opens it with an elegant flourish that makes him smile. He stops short, losing his breath as he enters. Inside, over a dozen masterpieces hung on the walls, gorgeous interpretations, some of the simple beauty of flowers, some of endless flowing landscapes, all showing the considerate talent of an artist extraordinaire, the likes of which Robin had never encountered before. The paintings spoke to him, reached out to him, portraying a beauty and depth he could only have ever dreamed of before.

"Amazing." The word finally whispers through his lips, his eyes dancing with excitement.

"Do you like them?" Michelle asks inquisitively.

"Like them? What a magnificent collection!" Robin answers, a rare enthusiasm in his voice.

"I use this room as my studio," she gently lights on the edge of the bed.

It takes a moment for her words to sink in. "Your studio? These are your works?!" He states in astonishment.

"Yes," she giggles demurely.

"You are a truly talented person, Michelle Moreau," he says, taking a seat on the bed next to her.

"I don't know if it's talent. Maybe more inspiration," she says modestly, looking down. He takes both her hands in his (something he'd never do before) and looks clearly into her blue eyes.

"Then you must have a lot of both," he says significantly, squeezing her hands. He looks into her deep eyes and watches the praise make her blush, her face even more lovely because of it. She was a work of art in herself, an elegant splendor radiating from her very being.

No, she is not merely human. He thinks, hopelessly sinking into the endless fathoms of her blue eyes.

She is a goddess, one I never knew existed until right now.

As Michelle's elegant brow raises almost coquettishly, Robin wonders if she was able to hear even his stray thoughts, a pink tinge of shame crawling up the nape of his neck, considering, as she continues her coy smile back at him.

"Why thank you, kind sir."

Sayer watches as Alex immediately starts pacing after Michelle and Robin leave the living room. She's like a caged animal, he thinks to himself. He sits admiring her sleek movements, her finely toned arms, her tall shapely figure she tries to hide under those slacks and long sleeves.

Can't fool me, Sayer smirks slyly to himself. You are a woman — and a good-looking one at that. Sayer can't help but think as the thoughts creep into his mind. Whoa-oh, he catches himself, there I go again. Stop it now. Of all the people on Earth - why does this woman drive me batty?

"So!" he spurts out, trying to change the subject in his own mind.

"Just you and me left, huh?" he tries to smile pleasantly.

Alex spins around, meets his eyes coolly and snipes "Sometimes life is cruel."

"Ouch," he smirks, pretending to be hurt, slowly grasping her strange sense of humor, which was, in fact, not that much different from his own. "Care for a quick game of strip poker?" Sayer asks, propping his chin on his upturned hand as he lounges across the couch that was to be his resting place for the remainder of the night,

She takes one glance at the comical look on his face, chuckles slightly, then shakes her head.

"Go to sleep," she orders him. "We're up early tomorrow for the rehearsal,"

"Yes, ma'am," he says mockingly with a salute. Alex rolls her eyes once more and leaves, exasperated.

She walks into Michelle's room to find her friend absent. Not letting her suspicions run rampant, she goes to Susan's room, hoping to find her there.

"Alex?" Susan looks up at her, from the dressing table where she was brushing her voluminous locks of forest green hair.

"Never mind." Alex abruptly says after looking around, her temper flaring. She practically slams the door shut behind her.

"Oh my," Susan says, seeing Alex's temper in action before. Then shrugging it off, she continues to brush her hair at her mirror and begins to hum softly, a gentle peaceful feeling washing over her. She glances over at Tara who was sprawled on the bed, busily writing in her diary. Susan smiles, How kind-hearted of her to give up her room for a stranger. Tara is a very sweet girl. And yes, there is undeniably something special about this man, she smiles at her reflection in the mirror.

"….he is so sweet and kind to me and has beautiful violet eyes—just like mine! He is so very, very tall and handsome, too, and his voice is heavenly. He likes me, too, I know he does because he told me to call him by his first name. Terry. Terry, what a glorious name! Just writing it makes my heart flutter! Oh, Diary, I think he's just so perfect. I think, I think—I'm scared to even write it! No, I won't be afraid! I'll write it anyway! I think I'm in love! Oh, Terry, you're so wonderful! Tara sighs happily as she closes her diary and takes extra-special care to lock it, hiding the key in her nightshirt pocket. She stretches across the bed, a warm happy feeling overtaking her.

Susan senses she is finished and goes to tuck her in. She covers her small form with the blanket, brushing the loose strands of hair from her eyes. "Comfortable?" she asks in her motherly way.

"Yes, very!" she says excitedly, snuggling into her pillow. Susan smiles at the child's enthusiasm. It has been an exciting night, for all of us, I think.

Alex feels the adrenaline building as she quickly makes her way to Michelle's studio. She's been gone too long. What could she be thinking! We swore off men long ago — what's so different about this one? All men are the same! Could she be falling for him? That - that shrimp of a man?! Oh Michelle, Michelle, what am I supposed to do? I've promised to protect you — from everything — especially men. She's about to slam open the studio door when she hears a voice call out to her from down the hall. Alex readies herself for a confrontation, not quite knowing what to expect as she reaches the door.

"Amara, what are you doing?" Michelle's voice says in confusion. Taken by surprise, Alex fumbles for her words.

"Oh-I-uh-was just-uh…"

"Looking for me," Michelle finishes, a knowing smile creeping across her lips.

"Well—uh…" Alex starts again, a guilty expression on her face.

"I was just making myself a cup of Earl Grey. Would you care to join me?" Michelle says, her discerning eyes dancing with laughter at her suspicious friend, always glad to be "one-up" on her.

"Uh, no thanks, I'll just turn in—it's been a long night," Alex smiles, weakly trying to cover herself. I don't want Michelle to think I don't trust her. I do. It's him I don't trust. No matter what he may have been in the past, he is a man now, and you can never trust a man. Why did I ever allow the three of them to stay here! Hmph, I'll just have to watch them very carefully.

The full house slowly settles down, a quiet calm taking over. Susan smiles at the peaceful sleeping child lying next to her. She closes her eyes, the song pervading her soul begins again, its unending melody now accompanied by the vision of a pair of violet eyes and a deep voice with a melody of its own, guiding Susan into the world of dreams.

Robin lies awake in an unfamiliar bed, so many questions in his mind, so many answers in his heart. I never thought I could feel like this. Has it only been a few hours since we left home? Did I just meet her tonight? It seems I've known her all of my life.

He could see one of her paintings from where he laid, his eyes drawn to it. It was a beautiful sunset over the endless ocean, sparkling in golden hues.

She must understand my love of art. How captured in its beauty is true emotion far above ordinary things. And few people, in any world, could ever be able to understand this. She does. As much as I care for my brothers, sometimes I feel they don't understand me, not really. Here I finally found someone who does? Someone who would understand my sensitive nature and share in it? Can we even sense each other's very thoughts?

"Are you there? Can you hear me?" In sudden curiosity, his mind abruptly projects into the darkness, urgently needing to know.

A pause. Silence. Doubt begins to sneak in. Then the fear of being left alone once again grips his heart.

"I'm here." Michelle's gentle voice wafts through his mind. Relief sweeps through his body and suddenly he feels strangely shy.

"Am I — disturbing you?" Robin asks, uncharacteristically considerate.

"No, no. I was just thinking about you." She whispers into his mind.

"So, we can sense each other's thoughts," he concludes softly.

"Read each other's mind." she agrees.

"I never knew I had this power." He whispers in awe.

"Exciting, isn't it?" Michelle's mind whispers.

"Why are we whispering?" Robin whispers back.

"You're right — no one else can hear us." She thinks.

"No one at all," Robin projects dreamily.

"Just the two of us," Michelle starts whispering again.

"I'm glad you're here with me, Michelle."

"So am I, Robin."

The two of them lying in their separate rooms, smile to each other in the darkness. However, their dreamy mood is rudely interrupted by a strange sort of growling coming from the direction of the living room.

"What's that noise?" Michelle asks worriedly, about to jump out of bed, expecting imminent danger.

"Oh, don't worry, it's nothing." He reassures her. "It's just Sayer snoring," he smirks. "You get used to it."

Alex moans audibly, her head buried tightly under her own pillow, covering her ears, trying to muffle the sound — but to no avail.

"Ahh! That man! He must do it just to annoy me on purpose! I knew I shouldn't have let them stay here!" She groans, pulling the pillow even more tightly around her ears.