This Maniac
~It's just a brain, man.
I spend a large amount of my time thinking, and not really talking. I'm around my girlfriend a lot, and around my work peoples often, but other than that, I seldom see my friend. My girlfriend and I just tend to drive each other nuts for fun because we don't like talking about each others things, so we resort to teasing and pushing each other's buttons. So from the result of this, I spend most of my time thinking instead of actually talking to someone. Even when I talk to someone, I tend to bring most of the conversation to the table, and I lay it all out with another person, just so I can see my thoughts better. My friends become my note pad.
~What's over there?
Where do I see myself in the future? I don't. I don't think far into the future. I act now, and I think about it later. If I have full confidence in my abilities, and I trust ill make the best decision always, then I have nothing to worry about. I can leave my body on autopilot while I delve into my own mind, where it tends to be nicer. Why would I have to think of my actions before I do them if I fully believe I am capable of delivering my actions appropriately? I regret nothing, because I don't have to. My actions are who I am, even if I didn't intend to do something, it still built who I am today. Regret is a poor emotion. You're better off with accepting yourself instead of punishing yourself. You're only human after all.
~Mega magnets.
Other people hold me back, and I'll stand by that until I die. I molded the best me I could be, and here I am, hitting the ceiling of the perfect person. My only fault is the actions of other people cause me to feel. I am diagnosed psychotic, and I believe it to be a good trait to have, because I am able to change how I feel about something immediately, if I see it more fitting. The only problem with this is, other people around me have to deal with it. There are some things I refuse to change how I feel about because I see it in my best interest. If things were to change, then I would easily change my mind. Having evidence is a thing that will change my feelings easily, as well with most intelligent people. But if I stand by something I firmly believe in, I will not budge until the one I stand before causes me to avoid them. Then I'll move.
~High are you?
I've done a lot of drugs, and I mean a lot. I don't anymore, I...
I spend a large amount of my time thinking, and not really talking. I'm around my girlfriend a lot, and around my work peoples often, but other than that, I seldom see my friend. My girlfriend and I just tend to drive each other nuts for fun because we don't like talking about each others things, so we resort to teasing and pushing each other's buttons. So from the result of this, I spend most of my time thinking instead of actually talking to someone. Even when I talk to someone, I tend to bring most of the conversation to the table, and I lay it all out with another person, just so I can see my thoughts better. My friends become my note pad.
~What's over there?
Where do I see myself in the future? I don't. I don't think far into the future. I act now, and I think about it later. If I have full confidence in my abilities, and I trust ill make the best decision always, then I have nothing to worry about. I can leave my body on autopilot while I delve into my own mind, where it tends to be nicer. Why would I have to think of my actions before I do them if I fully believe I am capable of delivering my actions appropriately? I regret nothing, because I don't have to. My actions are who I am, even if I didn't intend to do something, it still built who I am today. Regret is a poor emotion. You're better off with accepting yourself instead of punishing yourself. You're only human after all.
~Mega magnets.
Other people hold me back, and I'll stand by that until I die. I molded the best me I could be, and here I am, hitting the ceiling of the perfect person. My only fault is the actions of other people cause me to feel. I am diagnosed psychotic, and I believe it to be a good trait to have, because I am able to change how I feel about something immediately, if I see it more fitting. The only problem with this is, other people around me have to deal with it. There are some things I refuse to change how I feel about because I see it in my best interest. If things were to change, then I would easily change my mind. Having evidence is a thing that will change my feelings easily, as well with most intelligent people. But if I stand by something I firmly believe in, I will not budge until the one I stand before causes me to avoid them. Then I'll move.
~High are you?
I've done a lot of drugs, and I mean a lot. I don't anymore, I...