

The Fullness of Joy is in His Presence
Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy;
at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore [Psalms 16:11, KJV].

Does it matter if we know everything about prophecy, when we can still be in the wrong place at the wrong time?

Does it matter if we know everything to do right and still we do wrong and judge wrong?

Which reveals the truth if you follow hard after seeking the purity of God and remain in his presence at all times; we will not be in the wrong place at the wrong time nor do wrong or judge wrong.

We have to stop seeking His love and slack off from following Him along with leave His presence, for those things happen.

Since, He is the love that comes out of our hearts, we cannot come to Him unless we have repented of what we have done offensive to that love that has come out of or to our hearts.

This is why we celebrate Christmas, it is to honor the birthday the only person that never lose the will to love fully and completely correct and pure. By Him never sinning, death could not touch Him, so He delivered Himself unto the forces that has dominion on the earth.
Those forces which killed all of humanity because of the science of sin which pays off with death; they killed Him and Him not being guilty, death could not hold Him. He became the first of the resurrection unto eternal life.
Now, the Spirit of Christ can live through us and renew our minds as we learn the Word's of His Promises (the Holy Bible) and get it into the passion and desire of our hearts.

He came for this purpose, for He was God in the flesh, and dwelt among us so He could show the way to do what is right. It all starts with the passion, will, and purpose that none should perish. This can only be received by us to have this kind of love birthed in our hearts.

The Annionting of His Spirit comes at the new birth process, at repentance and confessing with our mouth and believing in our hearts that Jesus' love lords over all other love, for He died not having to die, but to save us.

So, seek His presence with all your love and have a real Merry Christmas. God's blessings be multiplied unto you and yours; © Brother Stephen Scottt