

be helpful now you will see your results later mother nature knows what to do.
two people are rich and really helpful and two people are poor and selfish. but things go bad for the helpful and rich family and end up poor and still help out others.and things end up good for the poor family but they are still selfish.now the thing is the rich but now poor family have little bit when it they see old friends that they used to help is turning they back on them but they don't worrier.when they see a a homeless person they out with the little they have and back to the rich but was. poor and now selfish and spending the money on things they don't need everything is going good and bad for everyone but the thing now is that things go bad for the rich family again and things go great for the poor family once again now mother nature knows the two different families are meant to. stay the way they are if the poor family changed and strated helping out others when rich thing could have been great for them and mother nature used the rich family to see if they will be helpful and things got good for them because they and helpful

help with the little u have because goodness have its way to come back to you also badness to come back to you.
© Mel