

Thak....thak.... Sound on the door in the early morning make me wake up. I immediately get up and become attentive i opened my door and found a maid standing there .

She first scanned me from head to toe and then throw uniform on my face. "Hm , you looks good but here don't dare to use them. Get ready and come in the main hall chief butler had called you"she said and went back in the house .

I immediately wash myself and get ready. All the servents were already present there when I entered the main hall everyone start starring at me. I nodded my head and say a good morning to all of them. Chief butler starred at me and before I can stand in line he calls me infront of him. Hm , So you're the one whom Mrs Singhania has selected for taking care of Ajay sir, he said in loud voice.

Oh my god Ajay Singhania, what bad deeds I have did that God punished me like this .serving him means living in lions den. If it continues don't know I ever get successful in taking revenge or not.

The chief butler sended me a message and tell me to check the daily routine of him. My struggle has started from this point. I immediately check the routine and went to the wardrobe which is exactly big as my room here I took his suit for ironing. After preparing clothes when I went out another made placed a tray with a cup of black tea in my other hands and tell me to give this to Ajay. She tell me about the room . I balance both of hands and lightly knock on the door with my feet . But for my surprise the door was not closed i slowly opened the door and went inside.but there was no one in the room . I place the suit on the bed and tray on the table and start looking around in room which was full of antiques and paintings totally different from my taste. When I turned back for moving outside my head collide with something which make me unstable. As I look up it was a man standing infront of me who was once a biggest nightmare of my life for stabilizing myself i grab the collar of his t shirt. Soon I came in my senses and stand steadily on my own feet.

A maid enters in the room with a towel in her hands she gives him towel, he wiped his face and than throw it on the bed .

His attitude hasn't changed a bit still the develish look can scare anyone. I remember all the time which I spent in fear because of him. those two years are still fresh in my memory when I first meet him in senior secondary school .we both were in same class . I was thinking about all this suddenly the sound of cup breaking took my attention.

I was standing still as I don't know what to do next .the another maid went immediately and start collecting the pieces of the cup from the floor.

He started at me with a cold expression and said, Prepare another cup for me .

I listen his voice and immediately went out of the room . My hurt was jumping like I have seen a ghost well he was not less than a ghost who knows after five years I will meet him like this .....

© khushpreet kaur