

I woke up feeling great. Your neighbours’ loud dogs weren’t barking and you don’t hear the kids fighting over toys. You proceed to follow your morning routine as usual and go to work.

Friend -- what happened ? why you are very sad ?

RAM -- What ? speak loudly . I can't able to hear anything.


He returned back to his house .
Ram -- I can't able to hear ! speak .. speak .

Two kids were dead in His house , Ram shocked after seeing that two kids Head .
That too that two kids are neighbors kids . "Neighbors Knocked The door"
soon he kept that dead body and head under a table .
He can see that two dead bodies are standing and opened the door , all the neighbors are came in and they scared and shouted.

Neighbor -- He killed my son ?

After few Minutes, Police came and they Arrested "RAM".
Ram -- Sir ! I didn't do anything.
Police -- Shut up .
Ram -- I can't able to hear anything .

( Police kicked Ram ) .

Police -- Come 🤬.
Police officers and Ram are going in police Jeep towards Jail.

In Jail :
Police officer Shooted down "Ram" .
Police officer -- Good bye RAM .
Ram -- Sir ! I didn't kill .
( Police officer killed RAM ) .

Now only Ram was waking up from the bed and "From the beginning everything was a DREAM ".

After Brushing the teeth he went for jogging. After Jogging he came to the House and After bathing he went to office .

In Office :
Manager -- Today night we have a party, Host has invested one crore for this party So don't forget to come .

RAM -- ok sir .

In Party , Ram drank more drinks and he returned to his house .
After reaching house he started to sleep and he started to Dream also .

1 SEPTEMBER 1939 , World war 2 :

September 1, 1939 Germany invades Poland, initiating World War II in Europe. September 3, 1939 Honoring their guarantee of Poland's borders, Great Britain and France declare war on Germany.

In Hiroshima :
We targeted into one small family were Father , Mother and Daughter , A small family leading a Middle class life .
Daughter name "SHIMI" , Shimi will study well and their parents were living for her only .
Her mother was working in one small shop , getting less salary only and Father was an Farmer , This year very less harvest only they didn't have money also , in their house there was no food to eat .
Mother asked some food to neighbors for "SHIMI" Alone .

For four weeks Father and mother didn't eat food Just they are drinking water for their energy .

6 August 1945 .
the United States detonated two atomic bombs over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, respectively. The aerial bombings together killed between 129,000 and 226,000 people, most of whom were civilians, and remain the only use of nuclear weapons in an armed conflict.
Some of them Migrated to some other cities and places . Same way SHIMI'S family also migrated .

Shimi -- Dad I need some food to eat .
Father -- There is nothing left 😭.

Shimi's mother was dead in Cancer due to this nuclear weapon .


HIGHER OFFICER -- We need to attack United States , There's nothing in my hand .
( There was a problem between the U.S. and Japanese government . Due to this Political government issue a "Common peoples" are affected )

Shimi's father was too ill and they didn't drink a drop of water for two weeks . In street some of the rich peoples are there "Shimi" went to them and she asked Help .

SHIMI -- Uncle me and my father didn't eat for two weeks can you give something to eat and my father was ill .

RICH MAN -- Shit ! Stupid Move and stand . Look where I'm and where you are ? a beggar standing near me .

Heavy Rain came Shimi asked help to everyone in TOKYO but nobody helped her .
Already SHIMI'S father was ill , Heavy Rain came know He was dead .

Now SHIMI alone standing in mid of the city with his father's dead body . A eight years old girl what can do ? .


"Shimi" also dead without food and with Hungry stomach .
( "If a Child dead in street think that the chid was in Hungry" ).

After the dream Ram Awakes from the bed , after Bathing he changed his dress and he Went to office .

One small Child was begging .
SMALL CHILD -- For three days I didn't eat Can you give some money to buy food .

RAM -- COME HERE ! wait for sometimes, I will come .

( Ram went to one Big Hotel and he baught some Rich food for that Child and he gave that food to the child )

Ram -- Where is your parents ?
SMALL CHILD -- I did not have Parents.

Ram -- Ok eat , Let's go to one place .
Small Child -- Ok uncle .
( Ram and Small child went to one orphanage )

In Orphanage :
Ram -- See here after this is your house.
Small Child -- Ok uncle .

( In That orphanage Many childrens are without parents , That too that orphanage was too small )

Monthly , Monthly Ram started to donate Rs.5000 to that Orphanage .
Ram's salary was Rs.50000 in that he gave Five thousand Rupees .

( "Very tuff to see a smile in a Orphan's face and that smile also very beauty")


Written by

Note : If you are a rich and you can eligible to earn one crore per month please do something for poor and Orphan children. Not more do little bit everything it's up to you I'm not forcing you .

© IWD 62