

The dumb one (part:1)
Once upon a time there lived a barber, who was very self-confident on his abilities and qualities. He was a famous barber in his locality, thus he was able to find a number of customers daily. To assist him in his work, he decided to hire an assistant. Eventually, after much research, he was able to find a teenager and hired him on daily wages.
As the customers began to increase,the barber realised that he had taken a wise decision to employ the teenager. Once,when he was sitting with his assistant taking tea 🍵, he offered the boy a five rupee note and a 10 rupee note and asked him to choose one.
The teenager first hesitated, but then took the 5 rupee note. The barber was amazed at his apparent foolishness and laughed.
Later on.he exhibited the same drama in front of one of his customer to show the stupidity of his assistant.The barber offered 5 rupee note and a 10 rupee and the assistant took the 5 rupee note as earlier. The barber then repeated this with a new 5 rupee note and the same 10 rupee note, the boy still took the 5 rupee note.Now it became his habit to welcome every customer by showing him the drama.Soon,all of his customers had a witnessed the slow-wittedness of the assistant.
(To be continued...)