

Upside Down (Part 1)
Turned upside down...Imagine a world turned on it's head. Sleeping,walking,sitting or just hanging. Like butcher's do to animals.

My first fascination came from working on a pig farm as a teenager. I got taught where and how to make the perfect cut. I saw the amount of time it took until the last drop of blood hot the concrete floor. Experienced the fowl smell that filled the air. Felt the thrill from the kill reach it's peak and subsiding within the first 30 min. The thrill only lasts a little longer with a bigger animal and I quickly learned that it was not enough to feed the hunger burning inside of me. I knew in that instant what I would need to do and I needed to do it soon.

I had figured out and written down what I would need and how to find the perfect subject. She or he had to be single,between 20 and 40 and on the given day had to wear something red. The only decision that was not up to me to make was where they would come to rest. There for this was decided by a single 6 sided white and black dice.
1- A tree close to where the subject lives.
2- A preschool play ground.
3- A public park.
4- A church ground.
5- A relatives front yard.
6- A tree next to a main road.

All subjects or -as the police refer to them- victims have to be dealt with within 48 hours. Thus giving me enough time to find,follow,observe and plan. My rules or guide lines were simple but yet very important. One small mistake could cost me everything.

This was my first subject. I was driving home from a local bar when my headlights caught her shiny red dress and ash blonde hair. She was obviously a lady of the night and to her I was just another lonely guy looking for a quick burst of adrenaline. She soon found out that my drug was not of that kind. She was out within the first 5 min. Clorephome was definitely something I would not have been able to do what I do. While she was taking a nap I took out my trusted dice,closed my eyes and shook it for 3 seconds in my hand before letting it fall onto the passenger seat. When I opened my eyes I was pleased to find that it had chosen the number 6. Since we were on a public road leading into the middle of town. Making it easier to find her in the next couple of hours.

© Zelly