

I've been living in my life of unhappiness. Despite all my attempt to feel it, it can't come. I missed my mom. She meant everything to me. She couldn't survive because I had no money to take care of her. She died in my arms. I was all alone in this world. I moved with bad friends who took me clubbing. To places I never thought I would be.

Incase you were wondering, my name is Sandra Ayetunde. My dad is a Nigerian and my mom is from California. I'm an half cast. I look like my mom in complexion in fact facially. I was my mom carbon copy.

When they were still living together, they were always arguing mostly my Dad. My Mom was a born again christain. She loved my dad so much that she allows him win whenever he starts. She hated fighting with him.

Hell broke loss, when my father started cheating on my mom with a yoruba woman. He started coming home late in the night. He stopped eating mom's food. He will ignore my mother at home and argue unnecessarily so he can leave the house .

Until one day, he didn't come home for a month. My mom was worried about. That was when she found a note from my Dad in their bedroom.

"Dear Rhoda,

I know this is shocking to you but we were drifting apart. We were never meant to be. I met someone nice. Someone that makes me happy. I hope you find someone that makes you happy. Greet my daughter and tell her to visit us. You are also invited for the wedding bring Sandra along.

Yours. Truly

Paul Ayetunde.

Your E.X.

My mom almost died. She couldn't believe it.

I remember calling out her name. She collapsed. I immediately called 911. She was rushed to the hospital. That's when I realised my mom was sick.

On her dying bed she preached to me but she died that same day on my laps.

That day I swore never to serve God for disappointing me. He allowed my mom to die. I wept. I hated God for taken my mom away from me.

I swore never to go to church.

If only I knew that God had other plan.

© Faithfulness Celestine