

Outlawed Yen (prologue)
From the moment the police barged into my house and took me away from every happy thing I knew, to the moment I walked down the hallway, walled by cages restricting barely sane people, I was numb.

It hurt. But I couldn't bring myself to feel the pain. I felt like a head with no body. Or a heart with no vessels. A lost, lonely, solitary ant. It hurt. But I couldn't feel it.

The air seemed humid and hot, or was it just me? One of the men at my sides poked me slightly, to quicken my pace, perhaps? I paid him no heed anyways. My eyes were down the whole time. Staring at the handcuffs. As if, by some crazy miracle, I'd suddenly get laser eyes and get away, but I probably wouldn't make it out of the vicinity.

This was the Citadel Detention Unit after all. It was basically the most heavily guarded prison. It was like Arkham Asylum, but in reality. Only, the people here commit unspeakable crimes with no reason. No reason that is known, at least.
Some are said to be due to mental health issues, hence the presence of the many psychopaths. I quietly prayed I'd get a fairly sane cell mate.

But the laser thing though, I can't give up hope... A sudden spark makes my lips tug upward. Someone I'd probably never see again now...

'Oh no, I'm falling off a building, Superman, help me!'
My heart warms when I think of that voice. I remember the toys scattered all over the floor.
'Superman can't save you now. I sneaked kryptonite into his morning coffee. Mwahahahaha!'

'Oh no, will I die now? Alas, this must be my fate...'

'Don't give up hope princess, the crew is here.'

' The Underdogs? Captain Quasimodo? You're going to save me?'

'I'm not, we are.'

'Oh my gosh how corny...' A woman's voice commented.

'Wow...' I sighed dreamily.

'Quasimodo, Garfield, Michaelangelo, Smurfette, Bolt, Scooby and Flounder. We're here to save you, Cinderella!'

'What have you done to him, Ivan?' she said hopelessly.

I grinned with pride, 'Made him the angel he is'

'Oh no, with our speed, none of us can catch her in time. What do we do?'

'Hey look it's Batman! Swinging with his web to catch her! Great job, batman - oh no, Scar cut his web!'

'What the hell are lions doing in here?'

'Shhh, Jenny, I'm watching.'

'Now they're gonna fall into the Mississippi! Oh no! Flounder, hurry, call Nemo! It's urgent! '

'That's it. Dinner, Loess!' she called. And he picked up Garfield from the floor and ran to the table.

"Ooh, lasagna!"


"Get in." A rough voice awoke me from my daydream, bringing me back to reality; to my numbness.
The man pushed me in roughly, then the other unlocked my cuffs. After finding my balance, I stood there, frozen as they closed the cell.

I locked eyes with someone in the cell opposite mine. He (or she, I couldn't really tell) stared back with creepy, unrealistic eyes which seemed to glow in the darkness. His head was bald, except for the high ponytail in the middle.

I slowly backed up from the bars.

Then I felt a stare; burning holes in the back of my head. My eyes couldn't help but widen when I turned.

It was a boy on the top bunk, resting his head on his folded arms on the bed. He didn't look above 20, so I wondered what crime he'd commit to be sent here.

To be honest, I knew this place wasn't just a prison. Definitely not. And whoever had me sent here had a reason. I just feared the reason would be what I thought it would be.

The bed wasn't really a bunk bed; mine was on a lower level, and kind of attached to the left wall, but his was higher and on the right wall. Nothing, that I could see, was holding it up.

"Hi there," I greeted, walking to my bed and sitting.
I didn't get a response, but his eyes stayed on me.

Maybe he didn't speak English?

"I'm Ivan. Do you have a name?"

Weird question, but I asked anyway. I needed to talk, to do anything to keep my focus from my impending doom.
He didn't look like he was going to answer, but-


Well, what do you know, "That's a nice name."

He said nothing. Just stared with eerie eyes.

"I'm a geologist, you know, well, was anyway..." I started. "But let's not dwell into that..."

He's still watching, saying nothing, but seems interested.

"I had a teddy named Zak when I was young, my great grandpa gave it to me. Said it was a family heirloom. Didn't last long though, my son accidentally shredded it... you know, now that I think about it, it probably wasn't an accident... that reckless little brat... "

It was habit for me to be blabbering on about anything and everything. It was something stuck with me since childhood, so I'm naturally annoying.

He could choose to listen or not, I couldn't stop talking. Any distraction would be okay.

But, at least I get to share my story with someone before I die. Before I leave behind that one special person.

"His name was--is Loess,"

#cartoonreferences #outlawedyen

© 2023 by ravenizcul