

Scribbles to self 3
I'm here again
to scribble things invain
words difficult to frame
feelings difficult to express
void made out of shadow
shadow difficult to see so far
was it my shadow or darkness?
my confused soul tangled more
Not knowing how to view
things unknown and unsorted
all this looked like an abyss void
as if nothing's ever existed
little did I know there lied
the base of unbearable shadow
I never wanted to ever know
how it all started and came to be
Ah, it's painful to feel it all
it pushes me unto free fall
it's hurtful to see how it was
never addressed or cared for
how it turned into nothingness
little did I know it'd be
tough to crack open,
all the effort it took
all the energy spent
all the will to break out of it
all the courage to face and sort it
I feel tired
I feel broken
do I need a fix
sometimes I try to
at times it's tiring
let me shine my broken pieces
let me proudly state I'm broken
what's so wrong being broken
broken chords, it can be hard to hear
But it's definitely not deafening
it's not killing anyone
let me be in pieces
beautifully broken shards
each one shining its own light
Ah, look how perfectly broken,
all the pieces in one space,
no piece lost anymore,
isn't it also a life experience
one of the unpredictable phases
let me enjoy my broken phase!

© Ankur