

Blog - 21 "Topic to waste time..."
I guess today I'll discuss about a topic which is inspired by Jonathan Nolan in Westworld Series.

Imagine that you are given a chance to re-play your whole life from a point of time in your life. But memories till now won't be provided, only memories you possessed earlier at that point will be there.
Here comes the question... Will you take another path in your life then? Imagine that all other variables are same as before. (Means... if you toss a coin. let us assume it gives same results which it gave before).

In other sense... if only your free will/choices can change, will we deviate from the course which we took before?

The idea given by him is that we are just another highly developed machine that decides everything according/analysing our surroundings.

I don't know whether it's possible or not. I feel that I'll take the same course.

Since it's debatable...
We should understand the importance of the environment we live in. Everything around you will influence you. Just like we cheer for our country and sometimes hate other countries. We even can end up as terrorists if we are born in a terrorist camp. (I hope you have read my short story "The tale of the Outlaws" ). Our decisions, opinions , prespective and attitude..almost everything depends depends on our enviornment.. sometimes, even I feel that if someone else is given to play my whole life... They'll also end up in the same point where I'm standing... I don't know for sure since we always say that each person is unique and also we have differences aspects of science too.. (Like Genetic Recombination)... But we really don't understand about life even in this 21st century.

I just shared this because when I speak with different people and hear their story in depth. I feel that I would have also done the same things they did. Thanks to Nolan for giving me another topic to research.

Let's wind up with a question... Imagine that you lost all your Memories and someone else's memory is replaced in your head.. who the fuck are you? Yourself or another person?
© Vibin Dave