

Lock of a Heart ❤ \Chap: 6//
"Oh it looks like we are here!" Col said excitedly. When i looked out the window it was not the downtown park he said he would take me.. It was much more! And it was beautiful. "Wow.. you said we were going to the downtown park ha.. but this is much better." I said. Col looked over at me and blushed.. "Well im glad you like it, heh." He said I stepped out the car door and looked at Col. "This is beautiful!" I shouted. "Im glade you like it.." Col said softly with a smile. His words were spoken so softly and calm, and I felt like myself and I feel comfortable around him.. Is this what its like to have a real friend. I haven't had a friend in so long I forgot how it feels.. After a long walk getting to the best spot we finally got there, the place was covered in colorful lights and lights coming from the floor. The only people there was Col and me. In the middle of the place was a beautiful fountain with lights surrounding it to make the water look like a rainbow. "This is beautiful." I said. It was late at night so it looked amazing with the lights. "I'm happy your here with me... I mean n-not i-in that way.." He said. "Its fine." I said with a smile. "Here lets sit on this bench.." Col said. We went to sit on the bench, then Col got a phone call. "RI__NG!" "You can take it if its important, I don't mind." I said. "Okay, one sec, *sigh*." He said.. He seemed weird.. "Uh hi dad.." He said. all i could here was mumbling. Col walked back and forth, he seemed anxious.. "BEE__P!" He hanged up the phone. He walked over to me and sat down. "Are you okay?" I asked. He seemed strange. "Oh.. yeah im fine lets talk about it another time." Col said. It was weird.. Who was he even talking to? "Well i hope your alright.." I said. I didn't know what to do.. all i could do is confort him. I leaned on his shoulder and hugged him. Col blushed out hugged me too. "H-hey.. where do you want to go tomorrow.. remember we have plans tomorrow." Col asked. I completely forgot but i have an idea hehe. "Yeah but this time i'm going to surprise you ha!" I said with a laugh. "Oh... haha i see!" Col said. "Welp its getting late we should head back.. you don't want your mom to worry." Oh i completely lost track of time, its 1:00 in the morning. "Yeah and you don't want your parents to-." Col stopped me. "Parent.. I live with my father only.." He said. "Oh i didnt mean to.. i'm sorry.." I said anxiously. "Its fine lets just get in the car.." Col said softly. We got in the car and it was just silence.. I felt bad... maybe he's mad at me.. "are you mad at me.." I asked. "Of course not, I'm sorry i kinda snapped at you.." He said. Okay.. i thought, I still think he's mad at me.. "You can drop me off at the bus stop, I can walk the rest of the way-.." I said. I can see the rain as we got on the highway. "You sure you want to walk the rest of the way home from the bus stop...?" Col asked. "Uh...no." I said. We finally got to my house. "Bye ill see you tomorrow.. Also can you drive?" Col asked. "Uh no.." i said back in a instant.. "Well okay ill see you later." He said. he leaned over to give me a hug.. He was so warm.. And i was so cold.. He smelled nice! "see ya." I said with a smile. I shut the door and walked to the door, he was looking out the window with an adorable smile. I turned towards his car and waved and also smiled back. Then i walked inside. I slowly walked into my room and slowly closed the door. And layed on my bed. "What a night." I said. I could hear Cols car drive away. I wonder what that smack mark on his face was from? I finally blacked out, and it was the next day. I woke up think what the heck happened last night and was it a dream? Or was it that I actually felt like myself?