

Will We Survive??!! ( Part 6 )
Rina started thinking about something. Then Nil asked, "What happened, Rina? What are you thinking?"

Rina: Tanisha, you think i don't know what did you do? I saw everything right away. I didn't understand at first, so I couldn't stop you.

Tanisha: What... What are you saying? I... What did I do?!!

Rina: I saw you hide Dev's handkerchief and use it to wipe Rayan's wound. Rayan wasn't bitten by a zombie, you intentionally killed him.

Tanisha: Why would I kill someone? He was bitten by a zombie.

Rina: No ! You are telling lie!!

Tanisha: Do you have any proof that I killed him?!!

Rina immediately took out the bloody handkerchief from Tanisha's pocket and showed it to everyone.

Everyone looked at Rina in surprise. Rina is a very quiet girl who doesn't talk to anyone. She doesn't get involved in any trouble. This is the first time Rina has confronted someone like this.

Rahul: Why you do that!!!!!!

Tanisha: You really want to know that? His father is a driver. While he was driving an accident occurred and my mother died who was sitting on that car. So I wanted to kill his dad too but i had a chance to kill his son , he should know how much pain I handle lossing my mother!!!

Nil: it's a misunderstanding Rayan's father didn't mean to kill your mother!! Rubbish!!

Rahul punched Tanisha in her face, and Tanisha fell down. She continued crying and left the hall room through the door.

Preeti: You try to save your life. I'm going to save Tanisha.

Everyone tried to stop Preeti, but she went to save Tanisha.

Many zombies were chasing after Tanisha, and she was running away. One of the zombies was about to bite her, but Preeti saved her by locking her in a room. Preeti stood outside the door and said, "I forgive you on behalf of all your friends. You should try to save your life."

Tanisha: Mam, you should go inside the room quickly, or the zombies...

Immediately, Preeti turned into a zombie.

Tanisha cried and said in her heart, "Mam gave her life for me, and I......."

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