

The Nature Of Who I'm Becoming
A realm where gravity defies logic, and floating islands drift through a vibrant aurora-filled sky. Each island is a unique ecosystem: one a lush, dense jungle with waterfalls defying gravity, another a desert with sands that sparkle like stars. At the center, a colossal, ancient tree with roots and branches interconnecting the islands. This world is a symphony of nature and fantasy, rendered in an art style that melds surrealism with hyper-detailed realism, creating a mind-blowing, impossible universe. Is this earth?
To be human may mean being a celestial purpose beyond money beyond empire gold diamond every material things in the world, a person who knows and accept the reality doesn't get sad when he lost people he loves or the things he valued in this world because his journey is for a billion or trillion years. Your lovers your family your job your wealth can't define your eternal fate, but your deeds your thoughts your faith may tell your eternal fate.
1st understand what it means to be a human being 2nd know your origin or creator
3rd find your purpose by asking the creator why he created you
4th know what's necessary and what's not
5th try to conquer yourself and win your ego.
#Perspective #stories #nature #purpose
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