

Reality maybe an amazing concept to people but what is reality? Is it a figment of a man's imagination or is it that the man who is to become who. What is there in life but to fight on or we have to give up on life what is to be shared and what is not to be shared. Will the enemy be angry at you for being such a badass or will the life medium be changed. What is to be done in these circumstances. Will the black empire survive, I dont believe it will ever survive without the White empires help? Shouldn't both empires live harmoniously together on the chess board where they fight and love fairly and equally between themselves. Why is always there a war between the two, is it because one is whit the other is black. No it is because they are destined to fight is it so? Why is there only one winner and one loser why not both winners and both losers together? War and fights are never an option they need to be equally worked up on.