

6 Feet Apart
There has always been a separation in our society, that has divided people. Those who were, six feet tall, six feet under and now six feet apart. Six feet tall, separated the average man or woman by height. Anyone who's ever wanted to make it as an athlete or model knows this standardized stereotype! Guess you can see the devil's in the details here?

Not to mention, the standard depth of grave digging. This most widely, used level for burial is not uncommon. Six feet here, separates the living from the dead. "As above, so below," I've heard. Some places in the world, where ground level is below sea level or unmatched.

Today, we are now at our best, six feet apart. [SOCIAL DISTANCE] Six feet apart here, saves lives. A new world order! Mask on or mask off, makes a difference, again separating the living from the dead. Not taking this seriously want discriminate. Being a model or athlete doesn't even matter anymore.

Thanks 6 Feet, for your rules and letting us know our place in the world.