

No need to rush
Asking the mom about the time she express the real story a doctor was going for the award ceremony but found his plane was cancelled so he took the taxi the driver asked which route he would choose as other will take more than 5-6 hours and next goes from forest side which will take 3-4 hours he choose the other one after some time with the heavy rain for which they told a shelter in near by house and asked them for the rest
They were one family one lady and her husband, that lady gave them some snacks
and before eating they pray to God for which doctor didn't understand but later on his son came and that lady said he is my son and he has got cancer we are finding a prominent doctor he name is Mike we have listen about him much his examination has proved good so far. Then he was shocked to say that he himself was Mike and then he taught what time has done to him. Though they were unable to reach to him he has reach to them and all conditions where made according to that. He took her son and got him recovered.
So always believe in Time.
There is no need to rush If something is meant to be it will happen. In the right time, with right person, for best reason.

Really all are moving through tough conditions many lost their jobs and those who have a big family and with one earner person really they can't move back to quit their jobs for the family. Many live far away from the family can't come back to their home towns and this situation the people of their neighborhood is their family likewise we form one community by getting connected to this world digitally. Not all days are equal some where of joy some where of sadness but something which cannot trun away is our faith for them who have a hope of new good day beginning hope for the one who wants to give their potential truly and such people who desire for change remain hardworking always gives a good community and always forms the history of human kind. No work is smaller or greater.
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