

Are you looking for a job? A salary? Something to fill that empty void that she left you with? A job, to fill your time as the grains of sand drop through the hourglass she shattered on the floor in the night? Fulfillment found in the meaningless monotone of the computer screen as the spreadsheets start to blue together, grey lines crisscrossing until all you see is the tiles at the hospital after her fall? Do you want to be wanted? Have a community of like minded drones to share your day with? Even if they never make you feel like an ant under a microscope like her gaze did, all the energy in her soul paying attention to you? Do you want to feel wanted? Again?

Do you want to feel wanted like you did the last time, spending night after night watching over her bleak hospital room as you grieved someone you shouldn't have cared about? Wanted as the strongest person you had known was reduced to the weakest? Do you want a boss again? Someone who you don't care about so much that you'd do anything for them? Just so you don't have a repeat of the falling, the screaming, the fighting that could shatter windows? Do you want to be dependable again? Dependable to the point where you become dependent on her? Where she goes back to that string figure blinded by your need for her, to live her, to breathe her once more?

Do you need a job? A salary so you can replace the furniture you broke, she broke, as she stormed and you begged, on that final night? To buy meaningless amenities so you can tell yourself, eyes full of tears as you look in the mirror, 'money can buy happiness'? Do you want a job to fix what has become of your life? To fix your sad, lonely, drudge of your day to day? Do you really think a job can fix that?

Call us!

© count on the stars