

The Last Song -Chapter 5
Chapter 5: Echoes of the Heart

The hospital room felt too sterile, too confining for the conversation that was about to unfold. As Anna and Leo’s eyes met, a silent agreement passed between them - they needed a change of scenery, a space where Anna’s story could breathe.

“Let’s go somewhere less… clinical,” Leo suggested, a gentle invitation in his voice.

Anna nodded, a sense of relief washing over her. “I know just the place.”

And so, they found themselves in the cozy embrace of a nearby coffee shop, the world outside oblivious to the profound exchange taking place within its walls.

Leo sat across from Anna in the dimly lit coffee shop, the aroma of roasted beans mingling with the undercurrents of their conversation. He had his notepad out, but it lay forgotten as he listened to Anna's voice, soft yet clear, as she recounted the tales behind her songs.

"I always believed that music was my escape," Anna said, her eyes reflecting the gentle glow of the table lamp. "But now, it feels like a farewell."

Leo's heart ached at her words, but he masked his sorrow with a smile. "Your music isn't a farewell, Anna. It's your legacy, a testament to your spirit. It's what will keep you alive in the hearts of everyone who hears it."

Anna looked away, her gaze lost in the swirls of her coffee. "I want to believe that. I want to believe that when I'm gone, the echoes of my heart will still resonate in my music."

"You don't have to just believe it," Leo said, reaching for her hand. "I'll make sure of it. Your story, your music, it deserves to be heard. And I'll shout it from every rooftop if I have to."

A small smile tugged at the corners of Anna's lips. "You're quite the romantic, Mr. Journalist."

Leo chuckled, the sound warm in the quiet space. "Only for stories that matter. And yours... yours matters most of all."

They spent hours talking, the world outside fading to a mere backdrop. Leo learned about Anna's first performance, her dreams of grand stages, and the songs that whispered of her hopes and fears. And with each word, he found himself drawn deeper into the melody of her life.

As the night drew to a close, Anna stood, her silhouette framed by the doorway. "Thank you, Leo. For listening, for caring... for giving me a voice when I thought I'd lost it."

Leo watched her leave, the click of the door echoing like a final note in a song. He knew then that this story he was about to write wasn't just about a singer losing her voice. It was about the unyielding power of love and the enduring whispers of a soul set to music.

And as he began to write, the words flowed not just from his pen, but from a place deep within, where Anna's music had found a home.

To Be Continued.....

© @Neongenesis