

Torn Apart
I remember specifically, what it means
to be one. But I don't remember feeling torn when I'm not around my love. Especially if he makes me who I am. If that's the case, then who am I now without him? I lost the bubbly laughter that consumes my personality. I lost the happiness that followed in my every step. I lost...me. I believed that I had the chance to be with him forever, but now, it just feels like I'm lost. Being held, being cuddled, being loved, its just gone. And now without it, I don't feel empty. I feel like I'm not even here anymore. I feel like I just disappeared into thin air. I feel like I'm not even me. Coping with loss is something I would have hoped to prevent for awhile but it seems like there's no stopping it. And there's no knowledge of when Separation will strike. I can say one thing; I was not prepared