

Conversation between two idiots
Blayze looked around. He had whooped the floor with the crimson spider. The spider has caused so much damage, it seemed impossible to repair in a day. Actually, part of the damage was caused by himself by using the sword slicing technique. He stepped on its head with one leg, and the people were cheering for him. Finally, they realized what he's made of. He was a bit exhausted. He used the weakest form of sword slicing technique, and it has taken so much energy, that he barely could stand on his legs.

"Hey pervert, what's up." Blayze new that voice. It was...it was...Ray his archenemy. The man with unlimited girlfriends had made his entrance.

Blayze pointed his finger at Ray. "You're calling me a pervert, but you're a harem king with four hundreds girls! You're the biggest idiot I've ever met, and will ever meet!"

Ray smiled and walked towards Blayze. "So, you've taken care of that insect, right?"

"And what if I did, got a problem. If so, move your ass from here!" That's the way they've always talked to each other starting from their first meeting. They don't really hate each other, you know.

"I'm about to compliment you for your impressive battle a few seconds ago. You look a lot like that thing". The civilians couldn't prevent themselves from laughing. Blayze was trembling in rage. This is worse than Uraza club, by sixfold, dam it! If monster hunters were allowed to fight each other, I would've chopped him in a million pieces.

Ray's smirk was creepy. "Don't take that personally. It's not what your thinking. Honestly, it was meant as a compliment, but you took it personally. Cheer up a bit, pervert. I can give you one of my girlfriends if you want to. You now Dany-ann, right? She told me that your cute but awful to look at. What a pity. How unlucky you are that no girl wants you, probably..."

"Hey Ray. Remember when the commander Greon made you clean up horse shit?"

Ray stunned, and his face turned red. My man was about to explode. Any hunter remembered that day, when Ray was locked up with twenty horses to clean their shit and feed them. Well, Let me tell you this. He had a worse day than Blayze ever had.

It was Blayze who was smirking now. After that, Ray smelled like shit for three days straight, and became the main subject in conversation.

"Babysitting ponies is amusing, huh bro?"

Ray was growling like a grizzly. "I swear, on the next mission I'll make a dragon barbecue your ass! I promise you, I'll do it!"

The civilians wondered how the heck they completed missions with such childish attitude. None of those two had brains in their heads. Seriously, they were good for nothing when in each other's presence. Blayze was 24, a full-grown moron and Ray a was a few weeks older, and a bigger moron then Blayze himself.

Blayze ignored his exhaustion and looked right into Ray's eyes.

"Don't take it personally, bro."
© Erwin