

unforgettable moment
a delightful lovely night, i was overwhelmed by the restlessness of the day.was feeling lonely since i haven't talked with him from a while...i went on the terrace since thats the only quietest place we had in our huge building with the view of city... i took some cold drinks with me to drink and listen to few songs...
as i reached there.. i stand at the edge of the terrace....texting him "where have u been?" got a reply "busy day! cant talk cya :)"... i pour myself some mocktail nd played *US by clara mae* as i heard some steps... it was usual since many pple could come to terrace fr the view so i didnt mind.. i was leaning on the railings... as two warm arms wraps around my waist.. startled me... looks back in a shock.. nd there he was... he whispers in my ears.."surprise!!".. i wanted to hit him for scarin the hell out of me but... i missed him so... i kissed his cheeks gently said "you have no idea how much i needed this hug"...he kisses my neck "u didnt need this?" i chuckled.. "well,maybe?" he bites me... nd i turn bck on the railings to kisss him hard..like my lips were eager for him from a decade... his hands keep moving through my little dress...i feel his fingers down to my thighs..he knows how wet that makes me when he plays with his fingers on my body...suddenly he grabs me by the butt... nd lift me up towards the wall of the terrace.. my body against the wall... and he lets his fingers find their way inside my panties...there has not been a single time that i didnt love the way he thrusted his fingers inside me slowly... until im ready for him... he asks me "what were you thinking standing here before i came?" i pull him closer and tell him... " i was thinking about our talks thats it"he fastens his fingers inside me nd asks me "nothin more than the talks?". i lost it... "i was thinking about your tongue exploring the places on my body" he stops with his fingers and takes them out..."you wanna know why i do that?"... he digs his fingers inside my mouth...as i get to taste my wetness...there is nobody on the terrace... and cold breezes keep swinging... as he strips down my little dress... he pins me to the wall with my fingers tangled in his.... nd sucks me... till he can hear the my sounds... coming... he rubs his hardness on my wet pussy... im waiting for him to go in... i know he want me to say it...he whispers in my ears "you are so beautiful, u know that?... i blushed as fk smiled and gave him kiss "Every time im talking to you my fingers starts going down,u know that?..i push my pussy on him... to get the sign... but he is waiting for me to ask for it... in the end when his hardness made me yearn for it... "I WANT YOU INSIDE ME!" was my words while looking at him... he didnt wait for another second nd entered inside me... he thrusted me while lifting me in his arms my bck against the wall... his every spank made me drip..he was so deep that i couldnt hold my moans in every time he pushed it in..the night was turning magical... he looked at me nd hels my neck with his left hand "im your tonight!"... i replied with big lick on his lips "we are not just one night game hun!"... he smiled... kissed me on the lips as he choked me with same hand he was holding my neck with... i couldnt... moan...the pace of his thrusts increased and i started flushing into the moment... that day he made up for his every single absence... i felt my feet losing their grip... my body losing its control...lost into the feeling i hv been yearning for... he fills me up with his warm cum... nd wraps me with his jacket around him.. the view of the city couldnt feel more better... than the time when i watched it in his arms...

dedicated to my Secret Love.
© ripper