

A note to You:

I'm here. And I am going to tell you how much you mean to me. But I can't. Because it's too hard to describe. You make me feel nostalgic. If that makes sense? I mean you make me homesick. Because I want to be with you. And I can't wait till we meet. Because we say these things we'll do, like fainting, or some other small thing. And I really want to do things with you. And of course not only that. But I want to go skateboarding, roaming around a dark city, visiting new places, eating new foods. I just want to do so much things with you. And I'll do them with you! We'll go to random places. We'll camp in forests, we'll go searching for unkown monsters. We'll go scuba diving. I'm going to some how get to you. You make me feel so great. I am trying to tell you, understand, that I care. And I think you're amazing. And that you matter so fricken much to me. You don't understand. I mean you might, but you do! And I care, so fricken much. And I'm sorry that I hurt you. But I wish I could be there. I'd just come sneaking in and just crouching next to you and whisper. "Hey flower lily." Or something weird. I'll just bother you constantly. And forever until I die. I wouldn't do anything but try to be around you. Because I don't want to not be around you. I want to talk to you everday, and my confusion and nervousness that pounds my head makes me think of nothing. And when I'm not talking to you I just.. forget everything. And I get this feeling in my chest. That a hole fills completely and I feel like I'm normal again. I feel like I used to. I feel happy. Thank you for coming into my life.