

NeVer - eVeR _ My Love
While in the bed in the middle of the night, I reached for the one whom I love with all of my heart and soul.

I looked for her earnestly everywhere, but she was not there.

I was so worried for her

So I asked myself ;

"Where could have she gone?"

"What was she thinking?"

"Have i done anything wrong?"

"Was my love not enough for her?"

So then I decided to go and search for my love everywhere the whole night long.

For the one my heart loves
I looked for her on every streets and every corner but she was not there.

I even asked the guards patrolling the town,

“Have you seen the one
    I love so much?”

After spending the whole night searching for her, I finally found her.

You will not believe or imagine the fullness of joy and peace that filled my whole being.

She was like the lost diamond which i found again.

She is a part of my life and when i found her i was revived.

So I held her tight into my loving arms and would not let go anywhere again, until I had taken her to the home of our dreams.

And since then we spent all the other nights dreaming in each others arms again and again.

"My Love Promise me not to leave me there alone"