

Living to avoid Dieing
Do you want to live because you are afraid to die? If you think something should be written about the question, go ahead and do so.

Everyone has an instinct to survive. Even a worm.
If I die that is the end of my Universe. Even though others may live without me, I will no longer relieve information about them. When I am dead there is nothingness.
I will no longer exist.
I will be done living.
It is best to live as long as possible. Nothingness or Death is like being asleep without dreams. Not really a big deal. No one should worry about it.
If it is not the end , then religion, occult, and paranormal are the truth while science was a devil. Lieing via it's Athiesms. I think we'll educated people are often non religious.
I want to live since I am only 46. my family members live to be in there late 60's 70's 90's. So why shouldn't I?