

A House A Car Part 2
So him and his wife go for this
to see. what this is
what the house is about
And this car.
well here is what we found.
They drive up to the drive way
And they see the car
out of the drive way
And the house empty.
They go in the house but
it feels cold. unloved in
for like a long time.
So they brought food
And made themselves at
home . But it was not the way it should
they would hear sounds
And at night the lights would put themselves back on with our motion
camera we brought with us we
could tell.
Then we found that room of terror
it had all kinds.
Of things to do terror
So now he wonders what kind of. man
His family was just because people say
you. a liver don't me you one.
Or any thing else they may say my dad
was in the war and he fought.
To keep strangers to her free.
Now they want to. treat his blood line
wrong for some other people.
That's not at all right. Thee
future is. upon us with a lot of stuff
going wrong and this should not be
done by people who think we not
go people. When we are retired an
sick it's wrong
So him and his wife wondered if it
was the right thing coming
out here and they found that no
it was not.
But the house was. weird and the tire
was flat so they could not leave.
So they look and try to drive the
self drive car
And it almost gets them. into
an accident on. purpose
And they feel this is to crazy and try to leave. but they hear. men on the grounds
with guns and they hear this get in
apart of. the house you can't get to like
a secret room and they locked safe
from strange intruder s so once they hid
they saw all camera files and then the next
morning hits and no sign of all of which
try to see
Them and the self drive car was gone.
Maybe they had all of what they. wanted
to give was going to a chop shop to
sell its parts from the inside.
So we call a taxi and get out of there
but will we come back I don't think so
for sell I will have to put a price on it
but for now sell it and make the green made make it work for. That's the key
if you need to sell anything. The best sales are made that way
But if we get it out of our lives we don't
have to be put to shame for someone else. Home that it is now a days so
I sign the sale now the people bought it
And we rich at the moment with the sale
but was it really good business
To dump this place for now yes it was.
So for me and the family you bought it
now pineapple drinks on you
And it's bad for you because I feel thirty.
© Lash