

The Era of Damnation ( Part 1 ) #3
Part 1
Chapter 3

" They arrived! " - Said one of the outside guards when seeing Gamur and his group close to the base with the ginormous Bracius floating behind them.

The giant stone doors open slowly, now making way for the hunters to get in, wich they do so, they bring the beast to the nearby butchering station, where they leave the animal, and are immidiatly greated by the local butcher, Ani.

" Good seeing ya ol'chum! how have y'all been, good hunting I see! " - Said Ani to the three of them while grabbing one of the Bracius legs and starting to drag it across the room.

" Oh, Hello Ani, We've been good don't you worry, hunt was great yah, how is the butchering going for ya? " - Said Gamur now walking closer to the Butcher, helping him getting the beast up into the table.

" Oh you know, It's always the same around here, work never stops for this old Alberdor. " - He says as he gets a enormous Butcher Knife made out of Uthorium, now sriking down on the beasts neck, cutting off the head, this one slowly rolls to the side, falling off the table and splashing on the ground.

" Mmh.. I see, I hope all goes well old friend, stay safe, may the Elders be with you. " - Says Gamur before walking away with his group, wich were waiting for him, they all leave and head for the resting quarters, these ones deeper in the cave they were in.

The three of them talked along while walking to the resting quarters, when on their way there, they meet up whith some old friends.

" Ayooo! " - Said a female Alberdor from down the corridor, waving her hand to Gamur and the group while running at them.

" Wait up Sarvia! " - Exclaimed another Female Alberdor, wich was running after Sarvia, they both eventually reach the Male hunting group and stopped in front of them.

" How've guys been, we haven't seen y'all the whole week! " - Said the so called Sarvia, putting her hands in her hips while looking at the group.

" Oh, It's nice to see you too Sarvia, Anathia. " - Said Gamur responding to the cocky female.

" Sarvia, don't run off like that, you scared me! " - Said Anathia pissed at Sarvia's cocky attitide.

" Sorry sorry, I couldn't help it, I missed these guys, so, Pirblitz, do you still have that Behmoth bite scar? " - Said Sarvia now teasing the group.

" Of course I do! This one is gonna be here forever I think. " - Says Pirblitz before showing off his enormous bite mark betwin his chest and back area, his armor with teeth marks on them, almost exposing the inside flesh.

" Females.. we just came from a hunt, would you two kindly leave us to rest? it's been a long day, and we are really tired. " - Said Kui im the most neutral possible way, alredy leaving the place without allowing anyone to respond, continuing his path to the resting quarters.

The other ones just stared at this, even though they were used to it, Kui always gets grumpy when tired.

" Ok then?.. By the way! Gamur! when will you teach me to manipulate the Uthorium?? " - Said Sarvia, this one getting excited out of nowhere.

" Uh?? You still wanna learn it? Why though? you're not even from the hunting grounds. " - Said Gamur now confused.

" But it sounds so fun! I've heard that it can be used in infinite ways! imagine cooking with it?? " - Said Sarvia now getting way to excited.

The argumentation keeps going on and on, to the point where Pirblitz and Anathia just walked away and went on with their lifes.

..One hour later..

After that discussion about the Uthorite training, Gamur and Sarvia decided to actually talk about it, they were now on the cafeteria talking and eating meat snacks while doing so.

" So.. you really wanna learn how to do it?.. " - Said Gamur alredy regreting his life decisions.

" Yes! Yes I do! " - Said Sarvia without hesitation, now picking up a meat cube and inserting it kn her mouth, starting to chew on it.

" Ok, but only on one condition, you mu- !! " - As Gamur was finishing his sentence, giant tremors start to occur inside the cave, these ones coming from outside, as a loud Roar could be heard just outside the cave.

" ?! What is that?! " Said Sarvia now holding on to the table during the tremor, scared with the happening.

" ..There is an Ancient just outside the Cave.. " - Said Gamur, quickly getting up and running towards the entrace.

End of Chapter 3

© Bito_Saiki