

another cute princess
ok so another true story that taught me to help and do good without expecting any appreciation
so I was going somewhere in the dark with my brother on a scooty
I was just sitting casually
and suddenly there was bump....
and I had no idea that the bump was so big Because of that my slipper fell off and my scooty moved ahead and
I couldn’t even see where my slipper had disappeared
I told my brother to stop the scooter, my slipper has fallen off
I got off the scooter and started looking for my slippers but couldn't find them.
Just then a little girl was coming from behind carrying my slipper in her hand and he gave me my slippers
I was happy to see this and thanked her.
and guess what....
she just walked away casually as if she was not expecting thank you......
That girl didn't even look at me for long.....
I would always remember this 😂😂
and I'll do this for sure
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