

Is saying goodbye means the end of everything? Maybe, if that someone is saying goodbye to go and move to another place,it's not the end,someday, he or she can come back. But saying goodbye permanently, you know what I mean, is never that easy.

Loosing someone you love will never be easy. Never... :'(

Like my brother, they're my defender. When the whole world is pushing me down, they're the one who always end up pulling me up. They're always the reason why I chose to stand up. I know, they will always be.

Saying goodbye is never easy. Especially if you know that you will not be able to see the face of the one you love ever again. You'll never be able to touch, and hug him. Saying goodbye with regrets that I haven't told him how much I love him.

With every steps I'm taking in my life, they're one of the reason why I fight. With every sacrifices I made, they're my first priority. With every success I planned to catch, they belong to that.

Noone will take away my love for my brothers. I never imagined to say goodbye to one of them. I never expected this time to come. It feels like I'm being suffocated with all the tears that's coming from my eyes.

I am now weak. Losing my control with my emotions. It's like I'm bursting anyone. Like a volcano eruption,I cannot hide the feeling deep inside. I questioned everything I see,WHY!?!!! :'(

My brother is still young to let go of his life. He has so many dreams and questions left unanswered. :'( He deserve a chance but why? :'( Why we have to say goodbye? :'( Why you have to say goodbye? :'(
© Eamnevuj23