

This is just how i feel not just a poem or story
i just started high school few months ago but why is it already getting me depressed just like when i was in elementary?.
My dad is unfair my shitty mom is in jail I don't care my friends sometimes just leave me in school when going to classes and i often go home alone than go with them..
i already feel like smoking or cutting like i wanna go back to that just like elementary..
i feel fucking numb when my friends leave me
i hate my dad my life
i already am getting more tired to go to school
im tired of living
i just want to die
kill myself
to cut myself
to hang myself or jump off my balcony
but im scared and i hesitate
i don't know why am i still living
i know i got loved ones which are different friends but still..
i just fucking hate this

the fact im currently 12 years old

and started getting depressed at 11 on October 2023

and started cutting at oct 27 2023 and i stopped but i wanna go back to that.. i..

I don't fucking know anymore.. i hate this..