

My journey My friends
A beautiful journey of my life.. ..where i met so many different people with unique qualities & different thoughts...but the best part was tht, all were really good & amazing. I am happy for them who left me to grow further & blessed to be with others to make this journey awesome.
This life we have got for once, and i truly believe it to live to the full, bringing joy & happiness all around but first within myself.
In this big world, few leave their footprints wherever they go & few just move.... few bring happiness even if they're far & few unaware of your presence.... few love to be around & few are nasty.
Everyone makes their own way & so do I . I may be taken differently by different thoughts. Each has their own thoughts. For some i mean a lot tou for some i am just okay.... few take me as their best buddy toh few ki jaan hu.... few ignore me tou few love to love me...its a part of life & i feel blessed to be connected to them for whom i really am "special". Before they could love me, now i love myself first....but yes, my friends are really very very special & will always be close to my heart .
My friends mean so much more than i could ever express in words. The "time" i receive from my friends is all i need from them & this really makes me feel "wow". The person who gives you their time in todays era are less & jo de wo special hotey hai. And i feel very lucky to be able to experience life alongside you, my friend.
A true friend is one who understands you, knows your likes/ dislikes, accepts what you have become, & still there to see you grow. A friend laugh with you, smile with you a little more, guide you, supports you & always holds the strongest bond forever, no matter what.
There are times when you have no conversations but still you are close, there are times when you are in silence with each but still you feel complete when they are around & there are times when you know the person is there for you just a thought away.This is a bond of love so pure & its a bond build on faith & trust.
Today, i am grateful to have you in my life. My buddy, you will always be so very special for me bcoz for me friends are so. Always special . Loads of love & hugs to my bestie....