

The people of Israel slowly turned back to God.
This was a process that took twenty years.
Finally Samuel said, “If it’s true you want to serve
God, get rid of all your idols. Dedicate yourself
to the Lord and serve him only. Do this, and he’ll
give you victory over the Philistines.”
The people did what Samuel said and got rid
of their idols. So he told them to come together
for a dedication service. He said, “Come, and
I’ll pray for you.” The people came together and
dedicated themselves to God. From then on,
Samuel was their judge.
The Philistines heard that the Israelites had
gathered in one place. They thought this was an
act of war, so they marched into the land and
prepared to attack Israel. The people were afraid
when they saw the massive Philistine army.
Samuel said, “Don’t look at your enemy.
Instead, focus on God and pray to him. The
Lord will save us from the Philistines.” He then
presented a sacrifice to God, and asked for help.
The Lord answered Samuel’s prayer. Suddenly
loud thunder was heard throughout the Philistine
camp. They became confused and started to run.
The men of Israel chased after them and killed
many of them.
Samuel set up a large stone as a monument of
what happened that day. He called it Ebenezer,
which means “Rock of Help.” He said, “The Lord
has helped us up to this point.”
The Lord fought against the Philistines as long
as Samuel lived. Every year the prophet went on a
circuit so he could better judge the people. The rest
of the time, he judged them from his hometown.
When he was old, he appointed his sons to
become judges. Unfortunately, they didn’t have
his integrity. They accepted bribes and judged
The people went to Samuel and said, “Your
sons are not just. Therefore, we want to be like all
the other nations and have a king. Select one for
us before you die.”
Samuel was shocked. He couldn’t understand
why they would want such a thing. He prayed to
God, but the Lord said, “Don’t be offended. They
haven’t rejected you. They’ve rejected me. Do
what they say, but first tell them what it will be
like having a king.”
Samuel stood before the people and
described in detail how a king would abuse
them and take advantage of them. He said,
“A king will take your sons away from you and
they’ll work for him instead of you. They’ll
serve in his military, or work for him personally.
He’ll take your daughters and put them to
work. He’ll take your best fields, vineyards,
and orchards. He’ll tax you so he can live
in luxury. You’ll become his servants, and
you’ll work to fulfill his every whim. When that
happens, you’ll complain to the Lord, but he
won’t help you.”
The people refused to take this warning. They
insisted, “We still want a king! He’ll judge us and
fight our battles for us.”
The Lord said, “Do as they ask. Give them a
So Samuel told them to go home, and he
would find them a king.
© God Child