

Success Tips
You want to know the secret to success?
Why not work while they rest.
Study while they give up on their goals.
Wake up early while they sleep in guilt and shame.

You have to plan your success.
You have to work hard and be patient.
You have to stay focused and not procrastinate or discriminate.
And do not compare your journey to anyone else's than yours.
Do not spit words wrongly.

Someone once wrote; " The cost of procrastination is the life you could've lived "

Remember every time you want to give up on yourself, it's the life you could have gotten already if you have just worked a little harder.
Don't be foolish, even if you're a fool don't ever show your foolishness. If not they'll will always compare you with the monkeys.
You have to remind yourself.
who are you doing this for?
And I hope the answer is YOU.
#successquotes #giveup
© Zamsi