

Without prejudice to all other forms of wealth, it is a very good thing, and of immeasurable expedience for the sons of men to possess money; at least in reasonably sufficient amounts, if not abundantly.

By all legitimate means, the living ought to acquire money, for this is noble beyond measure.

Poverty bestows no piety, and should scarcely command any pity if avoidably self-induced.

Possess money, but be not possessed by the love of money. Work diligently and embrace the rewards of your labour.

Give wisdom to those in need, and money, if necessary, to keep them going till they can apply the wisdom you've given and make some gain from it.

Only the living can benefit from the availability of money. The graveyard is numb to it's merits. So, while your life subsists, let nothing rob you of the heights of heaven on earth reached only by money's ladder.

© Ogbole Agala