


1. Always explaining yourself to people. Learn to say no without explanation or excuses just to please others.
2. Staying up late. Your health is so valuable, don't make unhealthy decisions that could affect your whole life.
3. Stressing about tomorrow. Tomorrow is not guaranteed.
4. Listening to music 24/7. You can enjoy life without music, till you realize silence and wind is music too.
5. Being on social media all the time. Learn to take healthy breaks and off days of it. Readjust and detach yourself from the internet every now and then.
6. Trying to change people. Ain’t gon’ happen, ain’t worth it.
7. Choosing a career path at a young age. People change their minds all the time, our interests grow and change.
8. Following influencers/beauty/lifestyle bloggers. Life is not perfect, don’t waste your life trying to get a perfect one.
9. Being careless with money. The sooner you get knowledge about money and how to handle it and how to give it away, the better.
10. Rushing life. Don’t rush all chapters of life into one.
11. Waking up late. Life offers sunlight and peace at the very beginning of the day.
12. Gossiping. Find other ways to keep conversations fun and Entertaining. Stay away from gossip.
13. Idolizing people. We are all human. Worship only One God who is worthy of worship.
14. Excessive shopping. Balance out your life in a way you are not attached to material things. (Minimalism)
15. Staying on your phone. Look people in the eye when they speak, show respect.
16. Expecting from people. They will let you down.
17. Asking the wrong questions. Not a smart way to go on with life.
18. Binge watching all the time. A good amount of screen is healthy to a good amount. Life passes by quickly.
19. Not loving your parents. If it’s a somewhat healthy relationship, try getting closer to them.
20. Not sharing. Sometimes it’s selfish not to share knowledge, wisdom, Art. Share it!

© feliinspiremyworld