

When my Nightmare becomes a Reality - (Ep 6) Meeting my Brother

To break the power, she must break someone's curse with a kiss and the person will grant you a wish.
But the thing was a cruse could break only in BLUE MOON....One more thing is that the person who has curse. Aura was cursing herself for meeting the old lady. She got an quick idea to not to sleep. But her plan failed completely. And also she missed a birthday party of her classmate. She even missed her classes today.
And her dream was.....

Aura saw a building in her dream. She has no idea why did she see a building instead of a disaster. Why? And how can she find the building.

However, she thought to ignore this and move to her daily life. Today she decided to visit her brother (Not biological). Jake Thomas.

Aura was found on the door of the orphanage. She was not a new born baby but she was more than 2 year when the orphanage took her. She was named Aurora Johnson Iris because she had a locket and it has a blue stone named Aurora Johnson Iris.
Later she got her name as Aura Lewis.

She was grown up in orphanage till her 14.
She was then adopted by a couple.

And then, the couple was died in a accident and their son became a comic artist.
Later, Aura also found a part time and also got scholarship in a university.

She reached at the location and saw her brother and his friend, Rahul.

"Hey! Jake... Rahul... How are you guys doing?...", she asked.

"We are fin-", Rahul was about say.

"Not so great. I got rejected by Linda and Jane. I can't believe they just told that the story sucks....", he told.

Aura was trying to hide her laugh.

Jake saw her and told "You don't have to hide your laugh and there is nothing so funny here".

"Still... You're story is like the story that is exactly copied from the super hero comic..... That's why I call you a copycat... ", she said.

"Don't lie... I don't copy others work".

"I just told the truth, BROTHER.......", she told.

"By the way, what's the use of having a step sister like you. Who never ever helps me in my comic work!?", he said.

Aura rolled her eyes.

"What!? I just told the truth, SISTER....", he imitated her.


"Stop... Guys stop. Let's make a Hot chocolate. Take a break. Don't fight like the last Friday. I still remember what happened. That was horrible. I can't tolerate anymore", he told and took Jake to the kitchen.

"Hey... Why are you always fighting with her? Bro..", Rahul asked.

"Because... I love her. Not as a brother and sister relationship but more than that. I have never considered her as my sister.",he told.

"Are you crazy? She is your-".

"She is not my blood...
"Rahul, I don't want to talk about this", he told.

"Fine... But I don't think she will ever accept you", he told and started making the hot chocolate.

Aura had hot chocolate and said "By the way, there is a birthday party. In the club, tonight. Are you guys coming?".

Jake was going ot say something exciting but Rahul interrupted and said "No... We have some works to be done... Bye Aura".

Jake didn't like Rahul's reply. He wanted to go. But unfortunately his own bestfriend destroyed the plan.

She told bye and then she took her motorcycle and left. She stopped her motorcycle as she got a call from Aida.

"What's up? Aura... What happened to you? We were surprised with your absence. You have never taken a leave, nor did you ever came to the class late?... What happened?", she told.

Aura could understand how much worried they are?

"I just took a break", she told.

"Is there anything you are hiding from me? I mean anything that's making you uncomfortable or worried. You can tell me anything you want", Aida told.

"Aida... I'm okay.", Aura told in a calm voice.
"You.. Sure".
"Yeah.. Of course. I am.", she told.
"Okay then", Aida told and ended the call.

Aura tried to start her motorcycle but it didn't start..

---------------Summary of episode-------------
In the episode, you will know what did she saw in her dream. She saw a building but she has no idea what is that about? And moreover, she had to skip her class for the first time. She was disappointed and so and so she went to Jake's house, her not biological brother. And seems like he has a crush on her.

Aura invited her to a club party but Jake's best friend refused. Now, her motorcycle isn't working.

I hope you love this episode ....

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Written by ~@Kibo._.choco2378
Stay Tuned for next coming episode...

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