

day by day
Whether we as people realize it or not, everyone is put on this beautiful earth for a reason, big or small . Most individuals aren’t aware of their purpose, and some even die without living it out . When will the world wake up from this constant cloud of distracting and begin living the life they were meant to ? If everyone would open their eyes, come back to reality, and begin fulfilling that purpose then we would truly begin to see a change in this disastrous world we call home . Whether we want to believe it or not, the world we live in is filled with unethical behavior, immoral decisions, abhorrent people, and a nefarious future . Most people nowadays are depressed, lost, and lonely . This could be due to a multitude of reasons; we are trapped in a world full of pain followed by suffering, regret floods our populations, adults are covered in bills and divorce, or even the continuous fight for gender and race equality. Girls are being blamed for what they were wearing, children are becoming accustomed to school shootings, women can’t even make decisions regarding their body, or people are trying too hard at once . What people don’t realize is that yes time on earth is limited but that doesn’t mean you have to stress yourself with too much at once . This can be extremely straining on a persons mental health, physical health, and overall well-being . Yes, you might want to accomplish so much and live out those dreams, you might want to make others around you proud, yes you might want to do well in life but there are other ways to meet those goals without hurting yourself . The most important thing to tell yourself is to take everything day by day . Day by day . It’s as simple as three words . The world we live in is not something that we should be proud of but we as humans can change that . When this world was created, do you truly believe this was supposed to happen? Ask yourself that question, ponder on it, really let it sink in. Now i want you to shut your eyes and imagine a perfect world . Did you see mass shootings, buildings being burned down, the george floyd situation, or womens rights being taken away ? Now, ask yourself what you can do to make that world a reality . Are you going to sit here and let this place we call our forever home to worsen ? If we want anything to get better, we as humanity need to do everything in our power to make change . You may believe that your voice doesn’t matter, that nothing you say or do is going to change the world around us . That is far from the truth tho, your voice matters, and what you do with it is up to you . We are the generation called upon to leave a legacy behind . You may feel without purpose or understanding but you have a voice, a voice that you can do so much with . This may seem like a difficult task to conquer but trust me, day by day is all you need to get through the toughest of situations .