

A second chance..
She held my hands, I was about to say something but she just kept her finger on my lips. We looked at each other. She was really confident. She looked straight into my eyes. I don't know why, but I felt so heavy hearted. I wanted to say a hundred things but couldn't utter a single word.

Anshika- "You don't have to say anything, it's okay.."
Dhruv - I... ( Again I was running out of words. I just wanted to hug her tight, but was afraid)

But then it was the moment, she hugged me. I just couldn't control myself. I hugged her, took her in my arms. Tears rolled down my cheeks. It was so girlish act, but at that time my male ego was not powerful enough to overcome my love.

Anshika whispered in my right ear - "Ofcourse, who knows you better than me. I can here your heart. It's okay.." (she slowly ran her hands over my back, tapped my back to consol me).

Now I was back to my normal state. We were sitting on the third raw. The same class room where I saw her for the first time. We became friends here, we had our small fights here, we used to sit in this class holding each other's hands. We could talk for hours. Even sitting silent with her made me feel so happy. I was lost in the memories of the best days of my life and suddenly she said..

Anshika - "Do you want to say something?"
I just kept silent....
Anshika - "Let's leave then. Will talk later. I need to do my packing.. I am getting late."

She stood up to leave but suddenly I held her hand. She didn't turn and I didn't wait for her to turn...I started in a broken voice..
"I made this mistake once. Please don't allow me do this again. You know I am an idiot..right?? "

She was about to turn, but I said - "please don't turn.. already my heart is at its maximum pace.. "

To becontinued...

© AK