

Letter Dead
It breaks my heart

Missing that spark

Taking pictures of you, the way we bonded

How you'd tell me all the time

"You can stay here with me"

How your heart melts

In it's place



The joy

I went to jail 6 times just to see

Let another distract me, get into my head

No pride

Just rage got it busted instead

Cause some kid thought he could hoe me, I bled

Crying, cause I should be holding you instead

Water pouring over my tears an washing the blood down the drain

What image did I maintain?

I'll lose bits of my brain, if you want to see whose more of a man?

That sort of pride belongs in a trash can

I only owe you girls

I'm your Father, not a simple man

I won't hurt for their entertainment ever again

I got you to see when I get back

With these hiccups, you kept me intact

Rewarded my love, I didn't need wrath

So recognize when they love me as sure as any other fact

My love has a beautiful impact

An you should be quiet, if you couldn't bare to know the half

Why I talk to those girls with such enthusiasm an vigor

I want you to love your Father, an know you can be so much bigger

"You shouldn't make them hate their mother"

How have I done that?

How do you figure?

Is it because with the little time I'm allotted I don't yearn to lose my temper?

I never miss an opportunity to tell them to listen to their mother

It's all I can do an hope she established something positive outta that

Say shit, when you got something to add

Cause I'm still the same idiot, wise enough not treat them bad

I enjoy being their Dad

You hear about the obstacles thrown into my path?

How my goals are to take them away, an give them a better life than I had?

You make no sense in the context of me, the woman before me gave me countless beautiful memories

I'm 28, an very late

So when I can, I tell my mother just how much I appreciate the trips to the lake

An you can't see, everything I create had to be fake

I'm sorry, if the newest iphone couldn't relate?

A mere phone call, an I'm cooking great

My mother's love has a wonderful taste

I don't even gotta time it whenever I'm at her place

She'll smell the food an I'll know it's done

Your attention momma, made that little girl a fan of your son

Those hugs I get cooking, are the best prize won

Imagine if they looked close enough to know I'm not a momma's boy, I'm just your son?

They'd see a man grateful for everything you done, an very remorseful over how bad I was growing up

You do more than enough, your love laced lessons garnished that little girl's love

You didn't teach me to give up whenever it got rough

You don't cover for me when I lie at all, an they're soldier's without a love this tough?

If you grew up an saw her importance, as I had?

You would think she's pointedly opinionated, and if it tells you anything I spent my whole life working on that?

She's a beautiful woman, before an after the smoke past

Her hearts just as big an if you love mine, that's who started that!

I don't get loud to hurt her feelings, just to address when she's outta line

Cause everything that may mean the world to you, was after her time.

An I been pressing her my whole life, with my kinda light

Without her though, I wouldn't be alive

To help when her direction wasn't right

Before I was able to help, she was a badass that never cried

About 10 years ago

We called her "stank booty"

An she began to cry

I know pieces of that lioness she once was didn't die

That woman drove me to confront a kid that cheated me out of my xbox360, an he threw more punches but I didn't feel any

His mom crept behind me an I accidentally elbowed her in the face as I was punching him

He ended up beating a two year old later on in life for angering him

If only he were capable of that aggression then, maybe he'd go further from his house an I could've gotten a better punch to connect

I seen the extent of my fist's respect

At this point in my life

Unless I have a rational purpose, I don't fight

I need that energy

If anything threatens their lives

I've paid the stupid price, too many times in this life

Chances are if you love me, it's because I care enough to treat people nice?

Come from me alone, if you wanna prove to me that your hand's are nice

If I got their mother a gun, she'd probably take my life

She's not evil, her demeanor has wounded me a couple times

It takes a considerable amount of pain to rationalize

Know when to prioritize, potentially risking your own life

I don't walk around with a knife

I'm not scared to reset my nose twice

Rather wake up to that than knowing I wasted someone's life

If you respect your...