

Sharing is Caring
I was born in a joint family consisting of many people who go through thick and thin with each other. We're bound to live together by our ancestors. My grandfather has 11 younger siblings, so there are a dozen people in total who live together and share everything. The first thing we learned in the family is "sharing is caring", and since we have a lot of siblings and cousins, our day doesn't end without arguments, most of the time parents mispronounced their children's name and called the wrong child. Sometimes we even enjoy it. But at some point we think we're just a busybody here and don't matter much. Being a joint family is almost like living in a military base. We have to share everything we have, we won't have any personal belongings because it'll be used by everyone. The bike I ride I inherited from my fourth brother, so four people have used it. Whenever we're in need, there are many hands that support us, sometimes we're even against our parents, but our family doesn't abandon us.
Our big father is the one who runs the family economically, but our uncle is mostly lazy and doesn't earn any money and spends all the money on gambling except to send his daughter to school. One fine day, the uncle spent all his money on gambling and got nothing in return, and his daughter was expelled from school for not paying the tuition. His wife doesn't tell the big father about this because he might worry. The big father always gives the school fees to the children separately from their parents, but the uncle got the money and spent it all.

He was beaten up by the gangsters, and the big father knew everything, he wasn't angry, but he sold our flat building to pay his debts and also paid the school fees for uncle's daughters.

He said, finally we're a commune, we're a joint family with a banana tree that has many branches, whatever problems may arise, but we should definitely stay together and share everything we have with each other. Don't worry, we may build another house together, but for that we have to stay together.

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