

The Semicolon Of Life
Suicide or killing oneself is not a usual or mundane thing that you can do out of the blue. There are days, months or years long reasons that push you to that one moment at which suicide seems to be the best option. The moment when you realise the pain of dying will be more tolerable than that of living. It is that one moment, the one peak point where you get an insane courage to go forward with your plan, whether that is to pop the pills, or to kick the chair and hang, or to jump into the river or whatever it may be. It's just that moment of time that makes these tasks seem easy and normal enough.
But once you are over that moment, nothing changes. You get to keep your life-the life you hates so much. However you get a second chance. Where it leads to...no one knows. Maybe there's a miracle waiting around the corner for you.
Therefore, that one moment is the most crucial point in one's life. It decides not only what's going to happen to you, but also to the ones around you. It decides whether you will live on with your demons or if you'll pass them to your loved ones.
The pain is real, the fight is real.

#mentalhealth #suicide

© Chintha