

Acknowledging Our Kindred
The olden law was, "As Above, So Below!" Be careful of what you think you know! Knowledge's a fragile thing right now ...
In trembing & ever clawing hands
Of the ignorant masses it resides,
Those who really don't understand.

Young subtle saplings can easily bend - But valiant trees don't simply mend ... Cut them down, weak shoots they send. When many are but mercilessly felled by wanting men who'll not be quelled....

T'is to create the increasing libraries.
Tree trunks become honoured diaries: recording houses & furniture made that can either burn or be blown away.
Tragedies holding words written of ceasless enquiry on paper ...
These manmade effects in merciless action can be destroyed by those whose minds are nothing but void.

Iconoclasm after iconoclasm & the trees, these ones are burnt yet again with their bees. Or used to build boats.
Forests are lost! Men cry out on their knees. The endless planks, pulped pages and their precious honey are again only exchanged for bitter money.

The ancients said "As Above, So Below!"
Be always wise with what you know...

Never should sentient trees to the saw or the axes surrender ...
With a practiced oral tradition you grasp immediately what is said and done! By memorising it, knowledge can never be undone. Ever store it in your head....and become wise. Then no tree again dies because we humans want it dead!

Indiana August 2020
© Indiana vdw