

A friend of mine,asked me this question today,When having our usual talks.
She said,Steph what is that Miracle that happens everyday for everyone?
I took a deep breath,trying to find an appropriate answer to tell her.
I became confused a bit not knowing what to say.
Then i quickly remembered the book of the Bible that says " I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them."Gen 6:7.
I will say my answer is AIR.
To breathe is a miracle we all know.Standing up from the bed every morning to do your daily routine,It's a big miracle.
My Sunday School teacher once told us a story some month ago.Concerning,a 86 years old man who fell sick and they needed an oxygen to keep him alive ,which they used.
About an hour later the man has already gotten better, the doctor told him bill for the oxygen was 2500 U S dollars for an hour.
The man sheded tears,The doctor said to him no need to cry, atleast you have the money to pay cause you are wealthy .The old man said,he wasn't crying because of the money,but because of free AIR for 86years of existence,but for an hour his charges were mind blowing.
God gives everyone of us a miracle no one man can offer freely.
What do you do for him in return.
Ask yourself?
We should change our mindset about God.He does what no man can do.
But we still crucify Him always.
I pray we develop passion to love,Serve and always be grateful to Him cause He derseve better.

Thank you😊❤.
For letting me share your time with you💋😘.