

Confronting Shadows: A Letter to My Beloved Granddaughter

Dear Meera,

As I sit down to write you this letter, my heart swells with pride and love. You are growing into a remarkable young woman, full of promise and potential. But as your grandfather, I feel compelled to share some hard truths about the world we live in, and to offer you words of strength and encouragement.

The world you are stepping into is both beautiful and harsh. It is a world where dreams are born, but also where they can be shattered. Today, we face a grievous challenge: the rising tide of crimes and inequalities against women in India. This is not a distant issue, but one that touches the lives of countless women, including those in our own family.

I remember the days of our country's independence, filled with hope and the promise of a brighter future. Yet, despite our progress, the safety and dignity of women remain under threat. These crimes are not just statistics; they are the lived experiences of countless women who deserve so much more.

Our leaders often speak of change and protection. Prime Minister Modi recently declared, "We will ensure the safety of every woman in India." These words are meant to comfort, but they cannot alone bring about the security you and so many others need. The Nirbhaya Fund, established to support women's safety, remains largely unused. This inaction is a painful reminder that promises must be met with deeds.

Religious leaders have also raised their voices. Swami Vivekananda Saraswati's words resonate deeply: "A society is judged by how it treats its women." Our society, dear Meera, must do better. And you, my beloved granddaughter, have a role to play in this transformation.

You are strong, Meera, and you come from a lineage of resilient women. Your grandmother faced her own battles with courage and grace. But the challenges you face today require not only strength but also unwavering resolve. It requires standing up and speaking out against injustice, supporting those who fight for change, and never accepting the unacceptable.

Organizations like Jagori and Majlis are doing vital work, providing support and resources to women in need. They are the unsung heroes, tirelessly working to make a difference. But their efforts need the support of each and every one of us. We must add our voices, our actions, and our hearts to their cause.

As your grandfather, I wish I could shield you from all harm. I wish I could promise you a world free of fear and pain. But what I can do is instill in you the courage to face these challenges head-on. Use your voice, Meera. Stand up for what is right. Be the woman your grandmother was, and more.

Remember, in the darkest times, even a small light can shine brightly. Your actions, no matter how small they may seem, can make a profound difference. The choices you make, the way you treat others, the way you stand up for justice—these are the things that will shape the future.

You are not alone, Meera. We are all in this together. We can face the darkness and bring about the change that is so desperately needed. I believe in you, my dear granddaughter. You have the power to make a difference, to be a beacon of hope and strength.

Hold your head high. Be proud of who you are. Never forget that you are loved deeply and unconditionally. You are part of a legacy of strength and resilience, and I know you will carry that legacy forward.

With all my love,


In these words, I hope to convey not only the gravity of our current challenges but also the boundless hope and confidence I have in you. It is a hard world, but it is also a world full of potential. Together, we can confront the shadows and illuminate the path forward.

© AJ Wappelhorst/Bear Klan Media

#womensrights #India #justice